The Weather Cafe ® by Rufus

Written by Rufus La Lone since 1994.

Spring Forth

Posted by Rufus La Lone on

Friday April 5
Frost east side this morning; nearly so in west side locations.  Today, Friday, should be fairly decent & mostly dry.  Additional showers and slightly cooler temperatures will arrive tomorrow, Apr 6 and slowly improve on Sunday.  Our current ‘chill snap’ will yield to an excellent stretch of Spring weather across much of the PNW, although it will take a couple extra days for the far north corner over Vancouver Is and north Puget Sound area to catch up with OR & ID.
Models chart mild-to-warm conditions for OR, SW WA & ID beginning Mon Apr 8 and lasting well through the following weekend (Apr 13,14).  Yep, excellent wx will Spring forth for outdoor activity & agricultural ventures.  Right now, the warmest days (70s) next week are charting for Wed & Thu Apr 10,11.  Cooler by Fri, as an onshore flow will increase, as will cloudiness over the Vancouver Is, southern BC & NW WA.  A weak system is modeled to clip that area.  However, by Sunday Apr 14 - warm (70-77), pleasant temps are probable up and down the entire west coast, including V Island.
Early the week of Apr 15 (Mon & Tue) is looking mild-to-warm for all locations, with the next cool, possibly damp, cycle getting into place around Wed that week.   Lots of variability in model solutions that far out, so we can expect adjustments.  For now, plan on a decent stretch of dry & MILD April weather beginning this coming Monday the 8th, lasting on through Apr 16 (remember, this starts a few days later for north Puget Sound region).
Total Solar Eclipse - Monday Apr 8: wx continues to look mostly cloudy along the TX portion of the Eclipse path, but the weak front bringing in the clouds (and showers) may hold off long enough to allow decent viewing in locations to the NE of TX - such as AR, IL, IN, OH. 
“Why can’t life's problems hit us when we're eighteen and know everything?"
Copyright © 1994-2024 - All Rights Reserved - The Weather Café ®
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A Chill Returns

Posted by Rufus La Lone on

Monday - April Fool’s Day - 2024
Chilly temperatures return soon, essentially stopping pleasant outdoor activities, gardening, farming.  How long will the chill last?  Let’s take a peek.
Enjoy the next two days, Mon & Tue Apr 1,2.  Temperatures will be warmer than the weekend, with Tue highs likely to tease into the low 70s in many west side locations, esp western OR & SW WA.  Light breezes.  Fortunately, added daylight hours will give everyone the chance to continue the enjoyment of being outside in the great PNW.  That changes overnight Tue.
A cold front will move into the PNW, and on down to CA, by Wed Apr 3.  Around the region here will be some rain & showers - generally less than 1/4” total at valley levels, and another shot of fairly low elevation SNOWFALL.  Coastal hills & Cascades foothills down to 500 ft could get a dusting of The White.  The main frontal energy of the April Chill will shift south into CA, so Patrons there will chill down, as well, and get more rainfall & Sierra snow.  For the PNW, the risk for a FROST pops up Fri morning, Apr 5, if the sky clears in your area.  Protect sensitive plants and seedlings.  Friday may end up mostly dry & chilly.
The coming weekend (Apr 6,7) looks chilly with showers likely on Saturday.  Sunday may mirror Friday’s wx, including the risk for morning frost.  
No Joke.  All indications are for a return to dry & WARM wx beginning Mon Apr 8.  Clouds and a few showers may remain over NW WA & southern BC on the 8th, but the rest of the PNW will turn sunny & mild.  Wed & Thu, Apr 10-11, are trending the warmest of the week, with temps into the low 70s possible.  Tad cooler on Fri Apr 12; Sat too.  NO RAIN on the charts for the 9th through Sat the 13th.
Long-range charts suggest a Low will move into northern CA on Sunday Apr 14, with moisture spinning into southern OR as far north as Eugene.  This type of pattern often leads to thunderstorms.  We’ll see.  Still, dry & mild on Sun Apr 14 from Eugene north into BC.  Great pollination weather for tree fruits. Honey up, bees!
The week of Apr 15 - 19 is trending dry Mon, then turning WET Tue through Thu the 18th.  Temperatures will remain mild.
“No matter what scales we use, we can never know the weight of another person’s burden."
Copyright © 1994-2024 - All Rights Reserved - The Weather Café ®
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Cool April Beginnings

Posted by Rufus La Lone on

Good Friday — March 28, 2024
California’s turn for rain - again.  What will the PNW be like as March spins down its last days?  We have hints with our morning Mug ☕️.
As noted, the current west coast storm is spinning its way into CA today, setting up a damp Easter weekend to our south.  A few wrap-around clouds & showers are on tap primarily over eastern OR this Good Friday, with temperatures on the cool side for this time of year.  The dry pattern will hold through this weekend, with scattered cloudiness, at times.  Not too bad for a very early EASTER.
Temperatures will rebound a bit early next week, with High pressure ridge positioned favorably to yield dry, mild wx for a couple of days.  Not an April Fool’s joke.  However, similar to last week, Wed Apr 3 will usher in another COLD front from the NW, setting up additional cold afternoons, intense showers Wed & Thu.  This is cold air, folks, so snow levels will likely drop to 1,000 ft or even lower for a bit.  The cold air will also shift south into CA following the Easter rains there, so Patrons in both the PNW & CA will experience cold mornings late next week.  Frost possible, if the sky clears in your location.  
As the first weekend of April 2024 arrives, so, too, will another chilly, wet system from the NW.  This will not be a strong storm, by any means, just damp and cold for April.  Lingering showers possible Mon & Tue Apr 8,9.  The good news is that a slow warm-up period will begin Wed Apr 10.  Yep, dry and gradual warming through the balance of that week, setting up an absolutely awesome weekend Apr 13,14.  Temps in the high 60s to mid-70s across much of the great PNW.  Oh, how we wish for this to verify!
For those interested (yes, we do have several Patrons in the Midwest) - wx for the Total Solar Eclipse Monday April 8 is now looking cloudy & damp over TX, dry with maybe a few clouds over the Eclipse path in AR, MO, IL, IN.  This could change again.
“An argument is the longest distance between to points of view."
Copyright © 1994-2024 - All Rights Reserved - The Weather Café ®
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Delightful PNW Easter

Posted by Rufus La Lone on

Monday March 25
March will ‘roar’ one more time, then go out like a lamb.  Let’s check it out.
Hit & miss showers today, less so tomorrow.  Cool temps both days.  Late Tue evening, the next ‘roar’ of March will begin to impact the PNW.  Rain increasing, WIND and mountain snow on tap for both Wed & Thu Mar 27,28.  Precip amounts will range from 1/2” - 3/4” in the lowlands (likely less over the Puget Sound); more than that for the coast, coast ranges and Cascades (mostly snow above 3,000-5,000 ft).
Good Friday is trending drier, with very few showers here & there, as the March ‘roar’ heads south into California for a wet Easter weekend.  Around the PNW, temps will rise and clouds will clear away presenting a delightful weekend & blessed EASTER morning.  Temps could tease the upper 60s on Easter Day.  March exits as a Lamb.
Next week will start out dry, as the next shot of chills and rain/showers is now charting to arrive mid-week, rather than Fri Apr 5.  April Fool’s Day will be pleasant.  Late Tue the clouds will increase and temps will being to cool again.  Wed, Thu & Fri, Apr 2-5, look quite damp & chilly.
The weekend of Apr 6,7 is trending mixed, with Sat being the drier of the two days.  Not very warm outside.  California will have yet another wet, blustery weekend.  All indications are for a wet week Apr 8-12.  Warmer, though.  
For those heading to TX and the Midwest for the Total Solar Eclipse —> wx on Monday April 8 is looking as clearing over TX, cloudy & wet the farther to the NE on the Total Eclipse path one stations that day.  That storm will be moving to the NE, with timing not the most favorable for viewing an Eclipse other than in TX or SE corner of OK.  This could change if the storm slows or speeds up as it crosses the region.
“Feed your faith and your doubts will starve to death."
Copyright © 1994-2024 - All Rights Reserved - The Weather Café ®
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So So

Posted by Rufus La Lone on

Friday March 22
Some rain, some clouds, a few dry days, a bit of fog, and occasional peeks of sunshine.  That’s about it for the next couple of weeks.  If you seek more details, read on with your morn’n Mug refilled.
Today & Saturday looks wet, cool, cloudy.  Moisture should diminish on Sunday, with clouds hanging around and peeks of sun.  On Mon & Tue, Mar 25,26, a weak system will likely keep the PNW rather cloudy, with scattered showers; Tuesday will be the ‘drier’ of the two days.  Temperatures will remain on the cool side.  
Overnight Tue, Mar 26, the next bout of significant rainfall will begin to move into the PNW & California.   Moderate-to-heavy rain, at times, and lots of mountain snow is expected across the entire west coast Wed & Thu.  As the overall wet pattern shifts south into CA on Good Friday, the PNW will cool down and dry out, relatively speaking, as Easter weekend gets underway.
EASTER: Sunrise services should be dry but chilly; fog could be in play in the usual locations around the PNW.  The rest of Easter Day looks dry, as well.  Peeks of sunshine probable.
A favorable change in the long-range outlook is now charting, as models point to another decent stretch of DRY wx across the entire western U.S. from late Easter until April 5.  So, we will go with that forecast for now.  Expect dry & mild conditions for Mon April Fool’s Day through that week until a weak system appears on Fri the 5th.  Maybe.  Looks like temps will be in the 50s to 60s much of the week.
As noted, rain or showers could begin again Fri Apr 5, with a break Sat and more showers possible Sun Apr 6.  Too far out to be confident.
“The child who knows the value of a dollar will usually wind up asking for two."
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