The Weather Cafe ® by Rufus

Written by Rufus La Lone since 1994.

Drizzle & Sizzle

Posted by Rufus La Lone on

Monday August 7
Good morn’n, Patron.  While you nurse that morn’n ☕️Mug, here’s the latest outlook, which has taken a favorable turn - maybe.
Drizzle.  First portion of this week will be pleasurable outside, with clouds at times and a few showers or drizzles, esp north of Portland late Tue into Wed.  The cold front is not going to be as aggressive as earlier expectations (it is August, after all), so most of OR and the east side will get very little precip, if any.  Key feature will be the cooler temps ahead of the heat wave that is still charting.  
Sizzle.  Starting Thu, and then on into the coming weekend, temps will begin to ramp up.  Right now, the Aug 12,13 weekend is looking to present mid-to-upper 80s, with 90s across portions of southern OR; tad cooler for the Sound & BC.  Next week we continue to expect the hottest temps of the summer, thus far.  Even with slight model adjustments, we still see temps exceeding 100 in many western locations during the Tue - Thu, Aug 15-17 period; Wed may end up being the hottest - say, 102 or so in the Willamette Valley.  There remains a good chance for the ‘heat wave’  (90+ each day) to last more than 3 or 4 days, but an 8 day consecutive run may not occur.  Again, we’ll see what verifies.
The favorable turn is that maybe, just maybe, a cooler marine air mass from the NW will ‘break’ the length of the coming heat wave, with temps dropping back to mild-warm by the weekend of Aug 19,20 - think onshore flow that will hold down temps to seasonal or slightly below for about 4 days.  Thunderstorms probable along the Cascades and over southern OR.  Hotter weather begins to build in again on Wed Aug 23.  East side locations will also cool down Aug 19,20 before returning to seasonal norms shortly thereafter.  
The relatively higher humidity this past weekend really brought out the ‘Song of Summer’ chorus.  Hope you noticed.
“The first point to emphasize is that the crowd never feels saturated.  It remains hungry as long as there is one human being it has not reached.” 
  -Elias Canetti, 1981 Nobel Laureate in Literature.
Copyright © 1994-2023 - All Rights Reserved - The Weather Café ®
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Into the Furnace

Posted by Rufus La Lone on

Friday August 4
For several days now we have watched the wx charts indicate a notable heat wave coming to the PNW soon, only to see that event delayed.  Well, confidence levels are increasing for that heat-up to begin late next week.  Meanwhile, some showers and a nice cool break is likely first.  Refill time.
The weekend ahead will be warm, with weak monsoonal moisture riding north along the eastern Cascades.  Sunday should be the warmest of the next 3 days.  A rapidly moving cold front is modeled to drop in for a 'summer visit' next week, which will bring clouds, showers and much cooler temps on Tue & Wed.  Southern OR may miss any precip, but at least temps should be a bit cooler that this weekend.  Enjoy the coolness because what may be the hottest temperatures to hit the PNW since the deadly heat wave in June 2021 are looking possible mid-August.
Starting next Thu, Aug 10 a shift in the pattern will begin.  A low pressure heat-trough is modeled to build up from the desert SW & CA, ushering in the first significant heat wave of 2023.  By the weekend of Aug 12,13, temps will pop into the mid-to-upper 90s (low 100s in southern OR, east side).  Sunday will be the hottest of that weekend.  Then, the furnace gets going —
As other PNW meteorologists are now noting, various models are coming into ‘agreement’ that the week of Aug 14-18 will be scorching hot - even up into southern BC.  Temps over 100 are highly probable across much of the PNW.  We see the potential for Tue Aug 15 to present Willamette Valley temps in the 105-110 degrees.  Yikes.  While afternoon highs should drop out of triple-digit range, at times, we see the potential for 90+ degree temps to last through the weekend of Aug 19,20.  As we mentioned a week ago, the PNW rarely experiences heat waves lasting longer than 3-4 days; this one could double that.  
Patrons that may be heading out of the PNW on a mid-August vacation, be sure your garden, landscaping, pets, etc are properly cared-for in the excessive heat; more importantly, all of us need to be cognizant of elderly neighbors that have no air conditioning (over 800 folks lost their lives in the 2021 event - mostly seniors from excessive heat indoors).  We all have time to prepare, just in case models verify.
ALL of California will also be in on the extreme heat, with brown-outs a real risk to the power grids.  
"Beware: money can create hardening of the attitudes."
Copyright © 1994-2023 - All Rights Reserved - The Weather Café ®
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Song of Summer Time

Posted by Rufus La Lone on

Monday July 31
Good bye July.  No big change in the 2 week outlook since our last Mug together, so this will be brief.
Warmer period on the way, with a few days at or above 90 degrees; most in the 80s west side.  Thunderstorms may build along the peaks of the Cascades, esp in OR, at times.  This coming weekend looks a few degrees warmer than the days preceding, then a tad cooler for Tue & Wed Aug 8, 9 next week.  Partly cloudy around the Puget Sound next week, as well, as the onshore flow increases for a few days.  
We see the potential for a notable heat-up (90+ to low 100s many areas west side) beginning during the weekend of Aug 12,13 and extending into the following week; so too, will thunderstorm activity along the Cascades.  Typical August pattern.  No rain.
Ah, 'Song of Summer' time - yes, indeed, it is that time of year when western field crickets begin chirping their ’Song of Summer’.  Thanks to a Patron in NE Salem for her report of the song starting in that area a couple evenings ago.  As long-time Patrons know, we have of bit of entomological fun tuning in to when the crickets begin their chirping each summer.  On the west side of OR & WA, that timing is typically around Aug 6 - later if it has been rather cool ahead of Aug; earlier if warmer than usual.  This year it has been a tad warm, so we can expect more of the Song of Summer to be heard about the region before Aug 6.  Listen for the chirping in the evenings (kids & grandkids can have fun with this, too).  Once the crickets get going, they will ’sing’ in chorus until fall frosts.  Let us know!  We heard one sole chirper here in Albany a couple days ago, but nothing since.  
“Even some of the best-running cars have jerks in them."
Copyright © 1994-2023 - All Rights Reserved - The Weather Café ®
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Slight Adjustment

Posted by Rufus La Lone on

Friday July 28
A slight adjustment in the long-range outlook may be in the works.  Pour yourself another morn’n beverage and let’s take a look at the possible change.
The primary difference in the outlook as projected on the charts is that west side areas of the PNW may not experience a long run of 90+ degree conditions in early August.   Current charting favors holding temperatures around the PNW in the mid-to-upper 80s, rather than a constant 90s to lower 100s.  (East side Patrons will still get a few days of 100+ heat, but even that may only happen on & off, rather than for 8 or 9 days in a row.)  We all know this could revert back to our earlier protections (see below), so stay tuned.  For now --
  • 82-86 for western OR through the weekend; Tri-Cities likely to pop 100.  Cooler around the Puget Sound.
  • Next week will turn warmer on Tue Aug 1 (could hit 90), but then dropping into the 80s until Fri Aug 4.  We still see 90+ possible during the weekend of Aug 5,6.
  • The week of Aug 7-11 looks to be over 90 on Mon and again on Fri; mid-80s otherwise.  Weekend of Aug 12,13 trends 85-91.  Yes, cooler around the Sound.
For the past week or so, we have been reflecting the model outlook concerning an extended heat wave pattern for the PNW in early August.  Charting was rather consistent, so too was our HOT forecast, with a few triple digit days west side.  Long-time Patrons know that model outlooks often revert back to previous forecast conditions as the actual ‘real time’ event period arrives.  Such may be the case this time, but we’ll have to wait and see.  Anyway, while we may escape 7 or 8 days of 90+ temps in a row, overall conditions will remain rather warm, with 90s sprinkled here & there.  A long stretch of 90+ may be Fri Aug 4 through Mon Aug 7.  That’s 4 consecutive days for the Willamette Valley & SW Washington.  No rainfall is expected, except for mountain thunderstorms, at times.
“A hamburger by any other name is more expensive."
Copyright © 1994-2023 - All Rights Reserved - The Weather Café ®
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A Heat Wave Cometh

Posted by Rufus La Lone on

Monday July 24 
The HEAT is coming, so enjoy the remainder of July especially if you have outdoor activities or work.  Mug up time.
It was about 5-7 degrees warmer each day this past weekend than we expected.  The other adjustment will be the ‘splash’ of precipitation arriving over the next 24 hrs.  Currently, a front is moving onshore with BC & WA getting rain/showers first, then the NW area of OR to follow.  A decent shot of precip north of Portland; possibility for dust-busting showers south to Lincoln City and Salem.  The clouds & showers will hold temperatures down in the pleasant range, as one would expect, early this week.  By Wed it will clear out, with temps moving back up a few degrees, but not super hot - yet.  
The coming weekend looks sunny & warm, with Sunday a couple degrees warmer, in the mid 80s. 
On Monday the 31st, even warmer temps arrive to start the week, as the regional atmosphere begins to set up for an extended HEAT WAVE over the west coast.  Next Tue & Wed, the first couple days of August get the opening call for hot.  90s in most locations, excluding coastal zones; triple digits east side.  The Puget Sound may remain cooler during the initial phase of this extended heat event.  As next week nears an end, temps will remain toasty.  
The weekend of Aug 5,6 looks to be hotter still - with temps in the 100s in many locations, both sides of the Cascades (yes, cooler over the Puget Sound, or so the models suggest right now).  Models indicate the build-up of thunderstorms along the eastern slopes of the Oregon Cascades.  FIRE issues will be elevated.
The August heat wave is charting to roll right on into the week of Aug 7-11.  Broadly, temps will remain in the 90s to lower 100s.  Around the PNW, west side heat waves typically last 3 or 4 days; this one could extend 8 or 9 days.  Plan accordingly.
“A perfect example of minority rule is the baby in the house."
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