
Posted by Rufus La Lone on

Monday June 20
Astronomical summer begins tomorrow, Tue June 21.  Meteorological summer began on June 1.  Around the PNW in 2022 we seem to have skipped Spring, because it has been so cool and WET.  That’s all in the history books now.  As the longest days of the year arrive this week, we dare to forecast ZERO days of rain between now and at least July 6.  Mug up & sip on.
Other than a day or two of clouds (plus drizzle) in the far north corner of WA and southern BC, the entire PNW should remain DRY well into July, at least.  The only variation in weather conditions will hinge on the strength of the onshore flow that be present, at times.  For this week, that ‘marine air conditioning’ will be in play until Fri.  Then, the coming weekend will be summer warm.  As advertised by many forecasters, temperatures will climb well into the 80s and even 90+ in the usual hot spots.  
Next week looks to cool down a tad by Tue Jun 28 (onshore 'air conditioning’ returns).  Eastern basins will be breezy & a bit cooler, as well.  July begins on a Friday, with the onshore breeze weakening as the big 4th of July holiday weekend begins.  As a result, temperatures will ramp up into the 80s & 90s again.  Great camping weather.  
The extended dry pattern should remain in play after the US holiday.  There is an indication of a cool, Low pressure trough skirting down the BC coast by July 6 or 7, but typically in the summer, these systems weaken as they track south.  For now, enjoy the summer pa

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