Friday July 8
Greetings Patron. Steady wx pattern ahead, with a couple relatively warm days to start next week. Mug ready?
An overall pattern of onshore flow - with morning marine cloud deck, that burns off by the afternoon in most locations - will be the main feature of our DRY weather for the next 16 days (through Sunday July 24, at least). For the Puget Sound area north, temperatures will run close to normal, depending on the persistence of the marine cloud deck; for OR, temps will run a bit below normal for much of the remainder of July. A short exception to all that will arrive on Monday.
Warm-to-Hot conditions to start next week. 90s on Monday, upper 80s Tue for western OR; 5-8 degrees cooler than that for the Puget Sound, north. Cools back down rapidly by sunrise Wed the 13th.
There is the chance for wandering showers or drizzle over the far NW corner of WA & southern BC the weekend of July 16,17. (Models suggest a rather WET eastern WA period on Jun 18, so too, for the eastern slopes of the North WA Cascades on into BC.)
An Internet Quip from a roadside sign - “The inventor of autocorrect died. The funnel will be held tomato.”
In joy the whether,
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