A dozen donuts? A dozen eggs? Twelve dollars? Fill your morn’n Mug and read on to find out.
Broadly speaking, a Low over BC, along with one just west of Brookings, will ‘bracket’ the PNW will periods of cloudiness & showers (or thunderstorms in the usual places), along with mild temps & sun breaks from today through the weekend on into Wed May 10. This pattern doesn’t mean wet every day, just one that could bring on a shower or two just about everywhere, along with decent sun breaks. Pleasant temps.
The Low west of Brookings will be joined by a stronger one that will move in from the west to start next week. This will usher in rather muggy wx for much of OR, with WA & BC areas remaining mostly dry, mild. Thunderstorms along the southern & central OR Cascades and the eastern basins are probable. Temps will continue to be mild.
The Delightful Dozen. Now, the basis for our tag line. Delightful Spring (even summer-like) weather is on the way starting Thu May 11 and lasting at least a dozen days. NO RAIN, a few clouds, and temperatures tapping into the mid-70s to 80s across most of the PNW, including the Puget Sound, all of southern BC for nearly two weeks is the forecast. For real? We can’t promise, but the models have been pointing to this solution for several days now with a consistency that warrants confidence. (Admittedly, that wet, stormy period mentioned in our last forecast was obviously an outlier, and should have been ignored.)
Your host is doubly delighted because we will be cruising for the first time to Alaska May 14-21. Weather along the entire SE Alaska coast during that week is trending nearly perfect for such an experience.
Water managers should be preparing for an extended WARM period. Notable Day Degree / Heat Unit accumulation will finally take place. Bloom period with several crops will be blessed with favorable pollination weather. Buzzzzz. Unfortunately for some, pollen allergens will be elevated.
Warmest period of The Delightful Dozen should be Sunday May 14 - Wed May 17. Eastern basins are likely to get showers & thunderstorms late May 17 through Fri May 19. It will be cooler west side after the 17th, as an onshore breeze kicks-in, but remain dry and mild until at least Wed May 24. Yeah, that adds a couple days to our ‘Delightful Dozen’, if we are Spring-lucky. Enjoy!
“A thing done right means less trouble tomorrow.”
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