Spring Fights for Presence

Posted by Rufus La Lone on

Friday April 14
No extended dry period ahead.  Here’s the current outlook for the balance of April.
Pleasant, warm afternoon today, the 14th.  Change begins on Saturday.  The next wet system is lining up to drape across the PNW as the weekend progresses.  Vancouver Is & NW WA will be first to receive rain/showers on Saturday; the rest of the region will get clouds/rain on Sunday.  As noted, before the cold front, temps will be mild, enticing Spring to fight for its rightful place.  The weekend transition starts another frustrating round of wet, chilly days, that allow no time for soils to dry down.  Drat.
Mon, Tue, Wed next week will be chilly & damp.  Intense showers & possible thunderstorms with 'winter-cold' air aloft; breezy, at times, too.  Coat weather.  The mid-April cold front will also clip California, north of the Bay area.  Hopefully, by Thu Apr 20, the air mass will become more settled.  FROST probable throughout the PNW on Fri morning, Apr 21.
Earth Day weekend (22nd & 23rd) is trending dry & warm.  (Yeah right. When have we hoped that before??)  Rain returns on Mon & Tue Apr 24,25.  It could be dry & mild Wed on into the last weekend of April, excluding the NW corner of WA. & southern BC - which may be damp from a system to their north.
Spring is unfolding, despite the cold rains.  Birds are finding nesting material.  Flowers are coloring up.  Foliage is beginning to ‘pop’ on deciduous trees.  Smile on, Patron!  We’ll soon have those hot days to complain about.    
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