Rain Delay

Posted by Rufus La Lone on

Friday September 9
Greetings, Patron.  The main change since our last posting is that September rains could hold off longer than we wished.  Best to refill that Mug before we take a peek.
Lots of info & warnings being posted by officials in regards to the 24 hr shot of high winds later today into Saturday.  We appreciate the effort being made to make folks aware of the potential for fire conditions that could literally change a small flame into a raging forest fire.  We remember 2020.  We tip our Mugs to firefighters already on the lines of existing blazes.  Anyway, the east winds will subside rapidly by Sunday, with cooler temperatures arriving, as well.  You guessed it - the blessing of an onshore flow resumes.  
Next week will be much cooler, with plenty of inland sunshine & on/off cloudiness at the coast.  We had expected the chance for rain to increase as the week progressed; however, recent model solutions have been trending AWAY from any notable rainfall arriving.  For now, let’s go with the chance for showers during next weekend, mainly over the Puget Sound, north.  We will update after the weekend.
The next WARM period is charting for around Monday Sep 19 through the 21st.  Temps in the 80s west side inland from the coast; tad cooler for NW WA & southern BC.  Pacific storms will become stronger and edge closer to the PNW as the weekend of Sep 24,25 approaches.  Right now, model runs hold those storms to the north of Vancouver Island.  We’ll watch closely, slight error in model projections could bring on substantial rain by the 26th.
Overall, it looks predominantly DRY throughout the next 2 weeks.
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Tap on the shoulder reminder of The WxCafé™️ fundraising for the 2022 Walk to End Alzheimer’s.  The event is 2 weeks away.  Your contributions, thus far, total $1,120. Awesome! 
“Wisdom is divided into two parts - having a great deal to say, and not saying it."
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