Monday September 27
Heading into October, it will be wet. However, a fall harvest dry period is on the way. Mug up.
On / off rain and showers will prevail for most of this week over WA & BC. A thunderstorm is possible, both sides of the mountains. Windy, at times (strong winds over ID, MT, WY on Tue). The break we expected on Wed will be short-lived, as another system will bring more rain later on Wed into Thu. That said, it will be wet over OR through Tue, then likely dry - south of Salem - as we may miss that mid-week system, other than some cloudiness. For the entire PNW, including Vancouver Island, Fri Oct 1 will be the dry-out day.
The coming weekend is charting as delightful. Plenty of sunshine, mild-to-warm temperatures, N-NE breezes. In fact, it looks DRY from the first weekend of October all the way through Thu Oct 7. Models are trending towards a system spinning SW of OR late the week of Oct 4-8 which, if it develops, will bring rain/showers or thunderstorms in from the SW by Fri the 8. This is a relatively new trend, but could also open the door for WIND PRODUCING storms as we head into the 59th anniversary of the Oct 12 Columbus Day Storm of ’62. There are solutions that keep the PNW on the drier side for a couple extra days, until the weekend of Oct 9,10 when that southerly flow, return-of-precipitation pattern begins. We’ll see.
Overall: the current wet pattern is much appreciated, as will be the upcoming 7 day dry period for hazelnut and grape harvests. Mid-Oct is traditionally the “turning point” into the PNW rainy season. Will October 2021 bring on at least that much normalcy? A Ponder Point.
“A thankful heart enjoys blessings twice - when they’re received and when they’re remembered.”
The Weather Café®️ was recognized as the Mid-Valley Chapter’s Top Earner for the 2021 Walk to End Alzheimer’s here in Albany, OR on Saturday. Your generous contributions totaled $5,050! Let’s all tip our Mugs for the job well done. THANK YOU!!!

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